Popular local Cllrs Robert Alden, Gareth Moore and Bob Beauchamp spent the afternoon pitching in with members of St Margaret’s Church, Jarvis Road, Erdington on a cleanup of the land around the Church and the alley between Jarvis Road and Somerset Road. The clean up cleared leaves, rubbish and over grown bushes from the alley and grass that had grown over the path to the alley. After this a series of small trees were planted in the flower bed to the side of the alley to smarten it up. Over 40 bags of rubbish were collected and helpers enjoyed hot pork baps afterwards in the Church.
Robert said “it was great to see so many people come out and help make our area cleaner with this clean up. Erdington is a great place to live and it is brilliant that so many people are willing to show pride in our home. We would also like to say thank you, not only to everyone who helped out, but also to the Council who came and took the bags away”.