The Conservative Councillors in the Erdington Constituency have written the following letter to the Chairman and all the members of the Labour dominated West Midlands Police Authority protesting at plans to close Erdington Police Station
Re: Closure of Erdington Police Station
Dear Bishop Webley
Following today’s article in the Birmingham Mail regarding possible closure of Erdington Police Station, amongst others, we are writing to you to urgently express our severe concerns about this proposal.
It is not clear from the article and the relevant report on the Police Authority website if the decision to close Erdington Police Station has already been made, or indeed if that is what is to be decided on Thursday. There have been some suggestions from Police officers that what is to be discussed is the possible rebuilding/replacement of Erdington Police Station with a new building. Again, from the papers, it is not clear what is being decided as Erdington Police Station is only mentioned briefly.
However, we thought that it was vital to outline the serious concerns that we have about any possible closure of Erdington Police Station to the Members of the Police Authority.
Erdington has always had a police station and, as the third busiest shopping area in the City (after the City Centre and Sutton Coldfield), it is an area that continues to have a great need for a locally-based police station. The Police teams in Erdington, with the support of the Station, provide a valuable service to deter High Street-related crime in Erdington.
Over recent years, they have also played a key role in dealing with serious crime in the Erdington area. It is quite clear that all of this and much more good work would not have been possible without having the base of a local police station in the heart of the community.
We hope that when you consider this agenda item on Thursday, you will take on board the very strong views of the Erdington community and councillors that Erdington must continue to have a police station and we would welcome your support when this item is discussed to ensure that it always continues to have one.
Yours sincerely
Cllr Bob Beauchamp (Erdington) Cllr Matt Bennett (Stockland Green)
Cllr Robert Alden (Erdington) Cllr Gareth Moore (Erdington)